NJHEPS | New Jersey Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability
ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose
Section 1: The name shall be the New Jersey Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability (NJHEPS).
Section 2: The purpose is to bring together our college and university communities to act on the scale we need to realize a more just, sustainable future for New Jersey. We engage in three primary activities:
Student Engagement
Knowledge Sharing
Workforce Development
Focusing on five key areas:
Curriculum, academic programs and research
Operations of the physical plant and grounds
Campus activities and student experience
Partnerships and cooperation between the academic community and corporations, advocacy groups, non-profit agencies, and civic and community associations
Professional development for practitioners
ARTICLE II: Membership
Section 1: Membership in the New Jersey Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability shall be open to all institutions of higher education in New Jersey and adjacent areas.
Section 2: Member institutions will designate a representative to the NJHEPS from among its faculty or staff. A student may also be designated, in addition to a staff or faculty member representative. The NJHEPS representative will serve as NJHEPS liaison to their home institution.
Section 3: The current list of member institutions, officers, committees and/or implementation teams and their members will be maintained by the Secretary and posted on the NJHEPS website. The Executive Committee will annually ratify, by vote or by proclamation of affirmation, the list of member institutions in good standing.
Section 4: Additional member institutions may be admitted by the decision of the NJHEPS Executive Committee. Membership may also be terminated by decision of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE III: Officers and Executive Committee
Section 1: The voting Officers of NJHEPS are the President, President-Elect, up to 5 Vice-Presidents responsible for specific priority areas as defined by the President and approved by the Executive Committee, Secretary, and Treasurer. Non-voting Officers include the Executive Director. Together, these shall constitute the NJHEPS Executive Committee.
Section 2: Each VP position will be assigned to a specific organizational priority area, as defined by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. Each VP will serve as Chair of an implementation team or committee associated with their area of responsibility, and will be responsible for developing related programming, and reporting activities to the Executive Committee. Vice-Presidents will appoint participants in these implementation teams or committees who represent NJ higher education institutions as well as individuals (not limited to the higher education sector) who possess the expertise necessary for implementation of Executive Committee approved programming or initiatives. Vice-presidents are expected to annually propose a programming budget for consideration by the Executive Committee.
Section 3: A quorum for Executive Committee meetings shall consist of the majority of the Executive Committee membership.
Section 4: Decisions by consensus are strongly preferred, but in the case of voting, a majority of votes present at that meeting is required in order for motions to pass.
Section 5: The Executive Committee develops and implements policies and programs, and oversees administrative operations.
Section 6: The President will serve as chairperson of the Executive Committee.
a. The President serves as the signatory of NJHEPS.
b. In the event an authorized signature is required and the President is unavailable, a Vice President will be designated by the President to act as signatory.
c. Commitments at or above $5,000 require approval by the Executive Committee.
Section 7: The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of the Executive Committee, and for maintaining in good order the official documents of NJHEPS.
Section 8: The Executive Director shall be the chief administrative officer and will report to the President.
Section 9: The Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the members-at-large and serve two-year terms beginning July 1. Officers may serve no more than 3 terms.
a. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee to nominate officers.
b. The terms of Vice-Presidents shall be staggered in alternate years.
c. Vice-Presidents are designated specific roles, as determined by the President and approved by the Executive Committee.
d. Vice-Presidents have the authority, with final approval by the President, to appoint individuals to committees and/or implementation teams associated with their area of responsibility, in the spirit of Article III, Section 2 above.
e. The Nominating Committee shall seek to achieve diversity in race, gender, academic discipline, and institutional type in the nomination of Officers.
Section 10: Senior Advisors may be appointed at the discretion of the President as non-voting members of the Executive Committee. Their role is to act as an advisor to the President and Executive Committee. Each Senior Advisor will develop a written statement of any proposed roles and activities beyond advising the President and Executive Committee, to be approved by the President. Those additional roles or activities that require Presidential approval may include participation on committees or implementation teams, advocating or public speaking on behalf of NJHEPS, fundraising, recruitment, and other activities.
Section 11: With the approval of the President, any member of the Executive Committee may establish implementation teams and/or committees as needed and appoint members in order to carry out NJHEPS’ activities.
Section 12: A majority of the persons serving on the Executive Committee must be employees of member institutions in good standing, and all must be aligned with the purpose of NJHEPS as stated in Article I, Section 2.
ARTICLE IV: Advisory Councils
Section 1: The Executive Committee may recommend members for Advisory Councils from educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, government, and private industry.
Section 2: Each Advisory Council will consist of no more than twelve members.
Section 3: Each Advisory Council will offer support and advice to NJHEPS.
Section 4: Each Advisory Council may form committees to carry out its duties.
ARTICLE V: Presidents’ Council Liaison Committee
Section 1: NJHEPS shall provide staff support to the NJHEPS Liaison Committee of the New Jersey Presidents’ Council.
ARTICLE VI: Finances
Section 1: The Treasurer shall submit the annual budget to the Executive Committee for review and ratification.
Section 2: The Executive Director shall administer all accounts in cooperation with the Treasurer.
Section 3: The Executive Committee shall receive an annual audit of all funds, accounts and records.
Section 4: The fiscal year shall run from July 1 to June 30 each year. The membership year shall run concurrently with the fiscal year.
ARTICLE VII Amendments
Section 1: Amendments shall be adopted by consensus, or in the case of a vote, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Committee. Electronic voting on amendments or other issues may be allowed at the discretion of the President.